7 Strategies to De-Stress Your Life

Stress is part of what comes with being a human, but for some, stress builds up and becomes an everyday occurrence that is tough to run from. Responsibilities with family, work, and relationships tend to pile up fast, leaving us overwhelmed and overworked.

There are a number of factors that have the ability to impact stress levels, and a lot of it will feel out of your control, but there are some time-tested methods for combatting that stress. In this article, we’re going to share 7 strategies to help you de-stress, slow down, and feel your best.



handful of strawberries

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is one of the more overlooked aspects of stress management. A fast-food or ultra-processed diet is detrimental to our health and mental well-being. The trans fats and other additives in these foods cause inflammation, which puts direct stress on our digestive system that spreads throughout our bodies. These highly processed, high calorie meals also make it difficult for our bodies to manage energy levels and get a good night sleep, which will impact stress levels.

On the other hand, a diet that is balanced and healthy will support the immune system, restore damaged cells and regulate cortisol levels. For this kind of nourishment, turn to vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and sustainably sourced meat and fish.



smoking a joint

After a long, difficult day, grabbing some cannabis from your local dispensary is a great way to slow down and quiet the stress of the day. It’ll help to choose an environment that forces you relax, whether that’s cuddling up on the couch with your dog or partner, taking a walk in the park, or meeting up with a friend. By creating this kind of self-care ritual around your cannabis consumption, you can send a signal to your mind and body that “now is the time to relax”.

The science is on our side, too. THC is the psychoactive compound that give us the feeling of being ‘high’, but it is also shown to lower stress levels in small doses. But the real shining star is CBD, which has been scientifically proven to have positive effect on stress. At Cheeky’s, we’ve nicknamed our CBD products ‘De-stress’, due to CBD’s powerful ability to help us do just that. At any Cheeky’s location, you’ll find a wide range of different De-stress products – just talk with our friendly staff to find something that’s right for you. Along with our CBD for De-stress, you can also ask about our CBG for ‘Giggles’, CBC for ‘Cerebral’, and CBN for ‘Nighttime’.



going for a run

Simply moving your body is one of the oldest stress-reducing tricks in the book. This time-tested strategy works wonders, regardless of the type of exercise you choose. You don’t need to be an athlete – walking, yoga, biking, or aerobics will all do the trick. But why is exercise so effective at diffusing stress?

The name of the game is endorphins. When you move your body, your brain releases neurotransmitters that make you feel good. This is what people are talking about when they refer to a “runner’s high”, but this same feeling can be experienced at a lower level from just doing any exercise – you don’t need to run 20km.

Aside from the endorphin-pumping activity going on in the brain, exercise will physically de-stress your body. Everything from your heart, muscles, and immune system will benefit from a little exercise-induced heavier breathing.



glass of iced coffee

Caffeine is a magical substance that millions of Canadians rely on every day just to get out of bed and become productive. At low doses, drinking coffee is totally fine and can provide you with that boost you’re looking for. The performance enhancing benefits have been confirmed in numerous studies, but caffeine doesn’t agree with everyone’s system the same way.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which can lead to alertness and focus, but also irritability and anxiousness. It affects everyone differently. Some will get the mood-boosting benefits with no side effects, and others will start to feel extremely anxious or even more sleepy. You can dive into the science for a better explanation, but it’s generally advised to limit your intake to 4 cups of coffee per day.


Friends & Family

enjoying time with friends

Quality time spent with friends and family can have a huge impact on our stress levels. Of course this could be a stressful situation depending on who you’re spending time with, but in general, spending time with people you love has the power to lift your mood. After engaging with people you care about, the stress of the day seems to dissipate and become less significant.

Over the years, studies have confirmed that social activity and hanging out with people you love is good for your well-being. On average, people with strong social connections are happier, healthier, and live longer. Part of the reason is because quality social time prompts your body to produce endorphins similar to going for a run, while lowering feelings of loneliness and anxiety. We need people in our lives to maintain our well-being.



looking at your phone

If you’re feeling over-stressed, something to keep in mind is your phone. Having you been staring at it for the better part of your day? And how does it make you feel when you do look at it? In most scenarios, this screen time doesn’t evoke positive feelings.

While the smart phone has been an incredible invention allowing people to dramatically increase productivity and connectivity, the technology comes with its drawbacks. In numerous studies, it has been concluded that increased use of the phone – particularly harmful activities like social media – tend to increase levels of stress and anxiety.

At the very least, make an effort to be more mindful of your phone use. Start by recognizing when and how it makes you feel more stressed, and work towards minimizing your time or reducing unproductive activities on your phone.



going for a walk in nature

According to the Canadian Psychological Association, exposure to nature has the ability to enhance your mental health, cope with stress, and maintain a positive outlook. Even just a few minutes spent in nature can reduce feelings of stress, boost attention, and improve mood. In addition, as we spend more time with nature, we start to become more connected with nature. This bond encourages people to not only take better care of their environment, but themselves as well.

For many people these days, much of life is spent removed from nature. Perched up in apartment buildings and commuting to and from office buildings, nature isn’t so easy to come by. Luckily, the Lower Mainland is a great place to be for access to nature. There are countless parks and forest trails, plus just a short drive will take you to the ocean or into the mountains.


If you’re looking for pre-rolled joints, edibles, and cannabis concentrates to help you unwind and de-stress, stop by one of Cheeky’s Cannabis dispensaries in Kitsilano or Maple Ridge. Step inside our welcoming shops and get expert, friendly advice from people who know their stuff. We hope to see you soon!